Sunday 24 August 2014

Endo Empowered Challenge~

New Resolution:
Next month will start back all endo diet and vitamin intakes..chaiyork!!

endo sisters..let's take action!! but first let see some misconception that we have regarding endo diet~

just wanna share.. 5 worst mistake made on endo journey !! by melissa on her new website

My 5 Worst Mistakes I have made on my Endo Journey…. and what I learned

I really want to encourage you and to make your Endo Journey a much quicker and easier one, so I thought I would share some of my worst mistakes and hopefully they will help you to avoid them.

1. Believing that I had to be “good” with the diet

I really believed for many, many years that my diet was a form of discipline and that if I just followed it right, adhered to it’s strictness that somehow it would thereby reward me with optimum health. It was all about sticking to a list or a recommended “diet” and I paid little attention to what I was eating but was more concerned if it fit into the “golden rule” of things I should avoid or eat. I was so fussy about this list that I would literally have a print out of it and had it in my handbag to ensure I always knew what I could eat or what I should avoid. Sometimes, I even gave this list to others to show them what I could eat so they were more prepared for me.

What I learned: Avoiding certain foods and being disciplined is not what being healthy is all about. It is about choosing foods based on their nutritional benefit. Even the healthiest of foods can be low on nutritional benefit. Having an 80/20 approach to eating is far less stressful and realistic. When we aim to focus on an “ideal diet” 80% of the time, we are doing better than most.

2. Not moving my body

Exercise was never a big priority for me. I just didn’t feel like it did that much. I had bad experiences with it, with Endo pain and just got used to not having exercise in my life. I found excuses not to do it and would just wean off it very quickly.

What I learned: I never realised that exercise was an important part of our bodies health. It also helps Endometriosis on many levels as it loosens adhesions and allows for all the nutrients and oxygen to get into the lower abdominal area.

3. Placing all my faith in supplements

I was addicted to buying supplements and would even get a good feeling just buying them. My whole cupboard was full of them and I kept finding new things to buy and try and was excited by the prospect of all that was out there. Somehow, if it was in a pill, it must be better… right?

What I learned: I can get much benefit from foods and herbs in their dried or fresh form than from many supplements. Yes, there are some that are irreplaceable but most things I was taking were unnecessary and I could easily get in my diet or in a herbal tea. The body absorbed it far easier and it cost me far less money that way too!

4. Doing it the long way

Perhaps you may be feeling like nothing is working. That somehow you must be doing things wrong. I felt this for the first while too. I wanted instant results and change. The body needs to peel back layers and years of imbalances and this takes time to do with foods and supplements alone.

What I learned: The fastest way to see results is to do fasts. Liquid fasts, juice fasts but some form of fasting. It proved to me, just how easily we can see results.

5. The little things aren’t the end of the world

If you get online and you start researching every little ingredient and every little thing, you will want to avoid every food and every supplement on the market. You can always find something wrong with it, if you look hard enough. This used to stress me out and I would worry about doing my body harm with little ingredients and herbal formulas containing something I was worried about.

What I learned: As long as I am avoiding the big 5 (sugar, wheat, soy, maltodextrin, strong phytoestrogens) within my diet and supplements, I will be okay. I don’t need to stress about every little thing and if one of these occasionally creeps into something I am eating or taking, it won’t kill me. I might feel some effects and I can then adjust accordingly. The body is incredibly adaptable and will be okay with a few of these on occasion.

I hope this helps you to avoid making the same mistakes I have made along my journey. Just stick with it and you will get there. It does take time and listening to your own intuition. Just trust that your body wants to heal and get better and it will do it’s best to guide you on how to do that.

Cervical Mucus (EWCM)

Blogwalking today and seen this post..lots of guds info regarding CM..ok now I know I rarely have EW...demmmm (T.T).. probably need to take back fertileAid & fertileCM...aigooo.. just C&P here for my reference~

Cervical Mucus: Essential for Natural Fertility

Let’s talk cervical mucus, shall we? Okay… I know this may seem to be a little on the TMI side of things, but trust me…it is such an important part of natural fertility {for several reasons I might add} and our perfect design as women. Let’s take a look at what cervical mucus is, why it is so important to natural fertility and how to improve it naturally.
What Is Cervical Mucus

A woman’s body is designed with amazing perfection by our amazing Creator. As our bodies prepare for ovulation {and eventually conception}, our cervical mucus (CM) changes to create the perfect environment for the sperm and egg to meet. Without it, conception is almost impossible.

You may have noticed, after your period, a discharge in the lining of your under-britches that seems to change in consistency or color throughout the month. What you are seeing is the oh-so-important cervical mucus, also called CM, which we are going to talk about. Your cervix produces different types of mucus based on the particular phase you are in during your fertility cycle. The most observed types of CM are dry/tacky, sticky, creamy, wet and stretchy/egg white mucus.

In the instance of a typical fertility cycle, the first 3-4 days after your period, you should notice that your “downstairs” dries up or feel tacky. This is considered “hostile” CM, basically a desert environment for sperm. As your body gets closer to ovulation, you should notice a change in the consistency or texture of CM – creamy and kind of wet. While this type of CM isn’t necessarily hostile, it still isn’t the best CM for fertility. During your “fertile window” you should notice a clear-ish, stretchy CM that resembles egg white. This is the most fertile CM mucus, sometimes referred to as EWCM. This is the type of CM that allows conception to occur. After your fertile window is over, you should see only creamy or tacky discharge until your period comes again {or positive pregnancy test for those trying to conceive}.

Why Is Healthy Cervical Mucus So Important

As you might have guessed, cervical mucus is essential for conception. Let’s use a little illustration.Imagine your body as soil that you want to plant a seed in. In order for that seed to grow, it must have the perfect conditions. It must be fertile; warm and moist. If you tried to plant the seed in soil that was dry and hostile, it wouldn’t grow. But if you planted it in moist, fertile soil, the chances of growth are increased. Make sense? Of course it does!

That is how your cervical mucus works. When you have a sticky, cloudy discharge, your body is like a hostile soil… the sperm can’t live in that environment. But, when your fertile window opens and your fertile, stretchy EWCM is present… it nourishes and protects the sperm, allowing them to reach the egg at the time of ovulation. If you don’t have healthy, fertile cervical mucus, your chances of conception are slim.

Not only is CM vital for conception, it also aides in a fertility charting method called Ovulation Charting. This method is one of my personal favorites when it comes to charting my cycles. Why? Because it doesn't cost a thing, you don’t have to rely on a previous month’s data, and you don’t need any extra tools to help you. I won’t go into too much detail, that’s for another day… But the basic idea is to observe your CM throughout the day and record your observations at the end of the day. You will notice the changes in CM, which allows you to know where you are at in your fertility cycle.

And lastly, healthy CM really helps ease the art of baby making. The more natural lubrication your body creates, the more fun and comfortable your love making will be. Enough said.

What If You Don’t Have Fertile CM
{Photo Source: Jeroen van Oostrom}

Some women don’t experience fertile cervical mucus during their fertility cycle. Regular vaginal dryness is a common problem for many women, which can make cycle charting and conceiving a big challenge.

There are many factors that can create or add to hostile CM including:
> Not enough water intake each day.
> Poor, acidic diet.
> High stress situations.
> Poor circulation to the reproductive organs; inactive lifestyle.
> Hormonal imbalance. Both low progesterone and estrogen levels may alter cervical mucus production.
> Fertility medications containing hormones.
> Disease of the uterus or cervix, viruses of the vaginal area, or damage to the cervix or cervical cells as a result of surgery or biopsies.
> Cervical fibroid (though rare).

Evaluating your lifestyle and eating habits is a fantastic way to start looking into reasons why you may not have ideal cervical mucus. If you can’t pinpoint something, a trip to your women’s health care provider might be a good idea.

Natural Ways to Improve Fertile Mucus

Now that you have an idea of how important health cervical mucus is, you make want to make an extra effort to improve the quality of your CM. Here is a list of what I have done to increase and improve my CM:

Stay well hydrated. For many women, just increasing their intake of water is all they really need to do to increase their CM. Cervical mucus is made up of 90% water, so if you are not hydrating your body your CM production may decrease. If you only did one thing on this list, this would be it! I suggest starting your morning with a quart of water, then follow-up with several glasses between meals.

Get those essential fatty acids in daily. Eating as many foods high in fatty acids is really important. If you just aren't able to get these through the foods you are eating, look into taking a complete fatty acids supplement which contains omega 3, 6 and 9.

Essential fatty acids are important for:
> Regulating hormones
> Increasing the blood flow to your reproductive organs
> Increasing fertile cervical mucus {EWCM}
> Normalizing your fertility cycle
> And more

I like using Evening Primrose Oil (EPO), Cod Liver Oil and FertileCM as my supplements for fatty acids. Other supplements worth looking into are borage oil and L-arginine.

{Photo Source : tinpalace}

Utilize herbs that have demulcent properties. Herbs that are demulcent and bitter help support healthy mucous membrane function. It also helps to combine demulcent herbs with herbs that are known to increase blood flow to the reproductive system and herbs that support hormonal balance.

Some of the herbs I have at home include:
> Licorice Root: Demulcent, promotes healthy mucous membrane secretions. Also supports hormonal balance through endocrine support.
> Marshmallow Root: Demulcent and soothing to mucous membranes. Also supports natural health for proper mucus secretion.
> Red Clover Blossom: Studies have shown this to increase cervical mucus, relieving vaginal dryness. Also increases circulation to the reproductive organs.
Red Raspberry Leaf: Strengthens wall of uterus and entire female reproductive system.
Ginger Root: Demulcent and an aphrodisiac, promotes healthy mucous membrane secretions. Also has a bitter compound which supports the endocrine system and promotes circulation.
> Gingko Biloba: Bitter herb, stimulating to mucous membrane secretion. Also promote healthy blood flow and circulation to the reproductive organs.

All of these herbs can be blended and taken in a tea, tincture or capsule form. If you use the tea form, you can count it towards your daily dose of hydration. My favorite herb shop, Bulk Herb Store, sells a yummy tea that includes licorice, red clover and ginger {Cough Tea}… all you would need to do is alternate that with some of their red raspberry leaf tea and you would be all set.

Okay, so that was a lot to learn in one post… the take away? Healthy fertile cervical mucus is an important component to natural fertility. It is one of the best ways to start learning about how God designed us as women, charting our cycles and timing intercourse when pregnancy is the goal. Taking simple steps to improve CM is essential in getting a fresh start on natural fertility.

Have you taken time to pay close attention to your body? What questions do you have about CM?