Saturday 6 October 2012

Good news for others~

Hari nie call my beloved mommy...bgtau adik aku yg kawen bulan 6 ari tuh dah preggy 2 bulan....happy for is..but for TTCian like me good news for other in term of pregnancy make us feel bitter for our we wish we were also being at same shoes...but after all it's about her, i'm happy for least my parent can have grandchildren soon...

it just that...when my hubby kesiankan awak bila dengar berita macam nie...waktu tu rase mmg nak luruh jantung..i'm so lucky having him instead of other for being my husband...he's such an understanding, caring and loving husband...he always complete & comfort me whenever i'm at fragile state..but ya the spotlight would still goes to me as people will keep asking questions why we cant conceive...suggesting this product..that product..insisting we buy this and that...i do understand their concern..but they just dont understand the underlying problem...even if i explained...they still dont get it...still suggesting this and that where some of it just cause more inflammation for my endo...

hari nie perut belah kiri rasa sakit plak...rase dah lepas waktu subur...xtau nape ...dah dapat date baru untuk appointment diorang suh husband pegi jugak...aiyooo...hubby ku busy...hope die leh pegi la kejap...but tau je la gomen hosp...pegi awal pon lum tentu dpt awal...lg2 aku mmg xde amek no ape cam orang len...kena tunggu doc jugak...9 oct nie next appointment...looking forward for that...huhu...harap this last treatment boleh bagi gud xnak la terlalu berharap...kang hampa plak...huhu..

well....aku dah tender resignation (well my bos wud be damn happy coz die mmg xsuka aku cuti utk treatment) week last keje...sebab aku target next period 20hb so boleh la in the mean time try to fit my body for treatment...ngah nak setup jadual harian untuk sebulan discipline ok!(peringatan utk diri sendiri)...kali nie like it or not kena disiplin kan diri...jadual xcomplete week mesti siapkan jugak...huhu..

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